Someone left a review that went on a bit in a wordy, self regarding snarky sort of manner that said something like .... "There was the bones (sic) of a good haunting... of grammar - there was none, and much missed by it's (sic) absence." Misused 'it's' for 'its' twice and had a disagreement about number with his verb then he criticizes me for bad grammar. I was so tempted to respond but I didn't.
I have a hangover this morning from being at a wedding last night and I am listening to Rush from way back. Great pleasure with a cup of tea. Bit too windy to go for a mountain walk in case I get blowed off (note my ironical mistake with the participle there).
I plan to trawl through old copies of the Parasychological Review for ideas. I was reading some good blogs about Lester Dent's method of writing short stories as exposited here by +Karen Woodward and then leading onto the Michael Moorcock method of writing adventure books in 3 days. Again herewith set out by +Ghostwoods Books here - no here. Old Mr Moorcock's article appears elsewhere but this is the prettiest blog version. It even made me start reading the Corum books which is just as fun as it was. (You think I'm giving a plural subject a singular verb? No! 'it' here refers to fun. Haha! Gotcha!). I'm also reading Vogler's Writer's Journey Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Of course I realise (see what I did?) that expositerize is not a real word but I can make words up here. I can do what the f*** I want with words on this blag (deliberate mistake too - very witty too I thought) because no one reads it!!! Haha! I win again!!
Of course I can't bring myself to write fuck I have to write f*** instead, but that's my choice. And it's valid. That reminds me of a discussion I had with me (ex) wife (note the ex) where she said "Everyone is entitled to an opinion." and I countered. "Not if they're wrong..."
Not that I am. I'm off now to be ill.