On page 191, he talks how you show the action of the FC in dealing with his dilemma: no need for words, just show him doing the right (or wrong thing). He also says
"...you can fool the world, and sometimes you can even fool yourself. But you can't fool your own feelings. They tell the truth about you, every time, without regard for rationalizations or excuses.
That's why climax is so vital. Only as we see a man in crisis, when under stress he acts on feeling, can we gain the final, conclusive proof we need to determine whether or not he deserves the goal he seeks."
Now, Dwight can come over as old-fashioned in wanting stories where the good guy is rewarded for being good. But what he says about a person acting on feelings and thus displaying what he/she really echoes something that I read in John Yorke's book Into The Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them
This was only published in 2013. On p. 127, Yorke says:
"The conflict between how we wish to be perceived and how we really feel is at the root of all character."
Yorke says, in this book, that the whole character arc is the person's journey from portraying the false image of how they want to be perceived to being how they really are at the end. Just the same as Swain!
Yorke talks about a character's wants and needs. What he wants is related to his facade, or as Jung would say, his Persona. What he needs is related to his Self (in Jungian terms again).
Based on what Swain said - what the character needs is to serve moral rectitude. And both writers talk about the importance of the story to humans being that it portrays order against the chaos and unpredictability of the Universe.
Someone else said, A kiss may not be the truth - but it's what we wish were true.
So go and kiss someone. Or not. But if you do, please obtain their consent beforehand.
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